Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Friday night we did some more work with Strikes Again!, cutting guitars. The Orange amp made its first appearance on the Strikes record and lived up to expectations.

Saturday my sister and brother-in-law came down from beautiful Connecticut to see my new home in dirty Brooklyn. I never realize how much garbage is around until I'm walking with people from The Country and feeling self conscious about all the crap on the ground. And that's just in my apartment!

Sunday we finished the Koichi Band record, which was then mastered by George. I'm happy with the way it came out, considering how quickly (and cheaply) it got done. What these guys need is a few years on the road (or toughing it out in crappy NYC clubs) to reach their potential, which is high.

Yesterday I took the day off from work (floating Holiday) and did some tracking on a song called "Aunt Bea" that we wrote and recorded a while back. Machold cut drums on it for us, so now we're rerecording everything. Fortunately, the reason the song is called "Aunt Bea" is because the chords are B-E-A, so it's easy to remember. There is a trick chord in there... but we won't worry about that right now.

We dropped the new Celestion Vintage 30 into the Randall Isolation Box. It's sounding pretty good, although we've only tried it with the Bandmaster thus far. Cut 2 guitar tracks using it and they sound pretty good... a little EQ helps the (expectedly) boxed-in sound that results from recording a guitar amp in a box.

Tonight, more Strikes Again!


At 2:51 PM, Blogger Jackson said...

Why is the trick chord always F#?

At 4:28 PM, Blogger Dave Cavalier said...

You should call it Aunt Bea French 6th.

At 4:37 PM, Blogger Jackson said...

Sounds like some pervy sex act.


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