Friday, October 07, 2005


Last night was the first Via Skyway rehearsal.

Via Skyway is the child of George Vitray, who has been recording under this name for several years. Some of us have played on some of his recordings, and the "band" Via Skyway has performed live at least once before (with Rob Machold on drums; I don't know the rest of the lineup).

Well, for TEDSTOCK, the lineup is:

George Vitray - guitars, vocals
Dave Cavalier - guitars
Mike Ingenthron - bass, vocals, maybe keyboards (?)
Chris Pace - keyboards, maybe bass (?)
Rob Machold - drums

With the exception of your truly, this is a pretty kick ass lineup. Sharp eyed viewers will recognize that Mike, Dave, and Rob have played together many times (when Rob was in Microdot, and earlier as Moneyshot, I believe) and these three guys are serious musicians. They can play.

Cavalier knew all the parts already. He's had the CD for, what, a week, and he's already got most of it tabbed out. Machold, of course, dropped the beats and we skated on top. George knew his lyrics, and Dave helped him remember some of the parts (seriously). We'll be doing one "Brain Shivers" tune, "We Came From the River," and fortunately Dave was able to remind me of the chord progression. It's a good thing this guy's in the band!

Mike coulnd't make it to last night's rehearsal, but we have no doubt that he will not only know all of the parts, but will play them better with no rehearsal than I could with 10.

It's great to get to play with musicians of this caliber. We ran the set, did some improv, and it was like a nice, long conversation. Great fun. The dynamics were already there, the quiet parts quiet, the loud bits loud, and the spaces between the notes spacious. I haven't played keys in a live band in a long time, and I didn't do any bass playin' last night, and it was great.

We'll have to do it again.


At 2:35 PM, Blogger Jackson said...

What I heard sounded great, I'm very excited.

At 1:07 PM, Blogger Dave Cavalier said...

Aw shucks...

I had a blast and look forward to hanging with the Skyway again.

On the amp front, I am looking at the Vox AC30CCH head, which is the new Chinese version of the AC30. The feature that I like (and have been wanting all along) is the ability to blend the clean and boost channels. That's always been what drives me crazy about distortion - you lose definition. I had been thinking about using a two amp setup on stage with an A/B box. Maybe I don't have to. My guitar repairman gave me a lot of info, including the interesting fact that Hendrix used to have a couple of Twin Reverbs hidden behind those Marshall stacks so he could blend in a clean sound to his fuzz. THAT'S what I want.

What are your thoughts on the AC 30?

At 1:17 PM, Blogger Chrispy said...

Ahhh! Twins behind the Marshalls. Doesn't that just figure? THERE IS NO ESCAPE FROM FENDER.

I didn't know there was a Chinese version of the AC30 - I'll have to check that one out.

The AC30 is a VERY powerful amp. The original AC30 doesn't have a disortion channel per se, and you gotta crank it up to get it to break up. (That shit gets LOUD.) Of course, it's a classic amp, sounds really nice, catches fire occasionally (well, the old ones did), and is a pain when it comes to changing tubes or fuses. I don't know if you've heard my AC30 stories, but I owned 2 within about a 6 week period, and neither worked (the second one broke straight out of the box at Manny's music. The salesmen helpfully tried to kick it to get it going again, but at that point I said "You know what? Just take that charge off the old credit card.")

Now, if this Chinese AC30 has a "Boost" channel, and you can combine channels, that's pretty interesting. Never having heard it, I can't offer an opinion, but I'll do some research.

At 6:06 PM, Blogger Dave Cavalier said...

I also heard an interesting story about Santana. Apparently, he would use his wah wah to enhance his feedback/sustain by gently rocking it to a certain position based on where he was playing on the neck. Not sure I fully understand it, but I guess the wah gives a boost at certain frequencies depending on the position of the footswitch.

Anyway, I associate AC30s with that ice-pick sound that Brian May gets. I assume that is an extreme sound (and I know he used a treble booster), but can the AC30 deliver a full, round tone?

At 10:45 AM, Blogger Chrispy said...

Yeah, a lot of Brian May's sound is dependent on his guitar (homemade, with hollowed out areas to increase feedback) and his pick - a sixpence piece, which will definitely impart an "icepick" effect. Live he would run several (had 12 on stage but "only" used 4), and his treble booster (I think he's used a Pete Cornish model recently)definitely made a BIG difference. He also ALWAYS ran the normal channel at full blast, so we're talking power tube saturation.

The AC30 can do a lot more than Brian May's sound - it's pretty round and full, but again it's all about the power. I read a bit about that Chinese AC30, it sounds very interesting, but of course it has a master volume. For live playing I've always been partial to a clean channel run REALLY hot (to drive the power tubes) coupled with pedals (like the Rat or a Big Muff) to push the preamp stage or break up the sound. I guess I just don't trust master volumes... but then again I'm not really known for my live tone, either.

The Wah, don't forget, is nothing but a variable filter you control with your foot. Depending on its design, it creates certain resonance peaks around the filter cutoff point, which translates to the frequency boosts you're talking about and the individual models' distinctive tones (Vox vs. Morley vs. CryBaby wahs). If Carlos moves the frequency cutoffs relative to the notes he's putting out he's probably got lots of control over the way the guitar responds to feedback, and he's a genius. It's kind of like an analog synthesist adjusting the cutoff point and resonance control of the instrument as he plays.

There's always the old "Wah as EQ" thing as well; set it somewhere and leave it.

At 9:50 AM, Blogger Dave Cavalier said...

Don't be so modest, Chris. You are world famous for your live tone.

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