Have you seen that "March of the Penguins?" This one will cheer you up. It's a good holiday movie for you and yours if your plans include group suicide.
Don't get me wrong - it's also highly uplifting and beautiful, only it's a tragic beauty, in the sense of:
Middle English tragedie, from Middle French, from Latin tragoedia, from Greek tragOidia, from tragos goat (akin to Greek trOgein to gnaw) + aeidein to sing --
... meaning it's really all about singing goats.
That's beside the point. If you want to talk about Intelligent Design, then I want to talk to the Designer and ask what he's got against penguins. Seriously, the guy's a sadist.
"The truth, Opus, is that you look more like a puffin than a penguin." -Berke Breathed
I thought you hurt your finger, seems you hurt yer brain a bit too.
i'm hopped up on tea.
tomorrow i think my number is up. i have to cross the bridge.
"Bridge crosser
He crosses the bridge
Bridge crosser
Cross cross cross
The Bridge"
I'm just trying to find the bridge.
Where's that confounded bridge?
I found it and crossed it.
It sucked.
This meeting today better be f'in great. Like with beer and dancing girls.
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