Thursday, December 29, 2005


A heartwarming story of love between species.

No, it's not Tom and Katie. It's Owen and Mzee, a baby hippo and 130 year old tortoise, who met after Owen moved into Haller Park Sanctuary in Kenya after being separated from his hippo family by the Indian Ocean tsunami. They've been together for a year and are inseparable.

Owen will soon be introduced to a female hippo named Cleo, and we all know what the zookeepers are hoping for. Zookeepers are obsessed with getting animals to do the dirty.

I just hope the tortoise doesn't get jealous. You ever seen a love triangle between two hippos and a tortoise? Not pretty.


At 3:04 PM, Blogger Jackson said...

Zookeepers like to put stereo pairs of large diaphragm mics on mating hippos.

At 3:16 PM, Blogger Chrispy said...

Of course they do. It sounds so much better.

I've been using stereo pairs of large diaphragm condensors on my email all day, and it's gonna be a breeze to mix.

At 4:56 PM, Blogger Dave Cavalier said...

I heard that John Bonham would walk around his mating hippos with just a simple stereo pair until he found the perfect sound of the grunting.

At 5:00 PM, Blogger Chrispy said...

Bonham's hippos always sounded so big.

At 8:49 PM, Blogger David Amulet said...

As long as they don't try to mix dogs and cats. Some things just don't mix.

-- david


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