Friday, December 23, 2005


It's "The Holidays" again.

This morning I heard a useless "Your Health" report on 1010 WINS (the most listened to station in the nation) telling me that Holiday stress isn't good for you. Thanks Doc.

I like to give people gifts, but storing it all up for one stressful day is no fun. Inevitably I sit uncomfortably while my family opens what I gave them, then I sit uncomfortably and open my presents. The whole thing feels like a bad first date.

I'd rather email my gifts as MP3's periodically throughout the year. "Here's a mix of 'Hell Disaster' with scratch vocals and the high end on the guitars cranked up. Merry Christmas, Mom!"


At 10:48 AM, Blogger Jackson said...

Christmas? Did I miss it again? Oh for fuck's sake....


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