Thursday, January 05, 2006


A while back, Mikedot told me about how he enjoyed reading Rivers Cuomo's blog on MySpace. I had forgotten about it, until I randomly found a link to it in an article on (the source for ALL of my news).

Check it out. It's interesting to read the thoughts of a 35 year old guy who just happens to be a big rock star.

He's even posted his application essays to Harvard. They're OK, but I thought my essays were better... and I didn't even mention the Foo Fighters.


At 1:54 PM, Blogger stinkrock said...

From his 1994 letter: "The worst part about being a rock star is that my emotional life has been put completely on hold...I am just numb. I miss the soap opera of settled life."

I'm no rock star, but I know exactly what he's talking about.

At 3:33 PM, Blogger Chrispy said...

Being so deeply involved in music has a way of doing that to you, even if you aren't spending your whole life on the road.

As for being on the road - I think his comments are exactly right. It's hard to get anything started when all you're doing is moving around.

At 1:06 PM, Blogger Jackson said...

Maybe if you HAD mentioned the Foo's you'd have been accepted into Harvard, and by now you'd be a crazy driver with an annoying accent.

At 1:19 PM, Blogger Chrispy said...

I didn't apply to Harvard - Boston was the last place I wanted to spend 4 years.


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