Friday, February 03, 2006


It's been a bit of a trying week.

Last Friday night, my cousin Mark - who was 10 years old - died in an assisted living facility where he has been for several months.

He was one of triplets, born on the Fourth of July, 2005, to my aunt (my mom's sister) and uncle who thought they would never have children. He had medical problems since his birth, but he was a happy, smiling baby.

At 3 months he had an aneurysm in his brain that required very risky surgery. The surgeon was successful in securing the aneurysm, but then something happened. Accounts vary, but people who were in the Operating Room at the time claimed that a medical Resident came in as the surgery was wrapping up, and the surgeon put a scope back into Mark's brain to show off his handiwork. He knicked a blood vessel, causing internal bleeding.

For the next ten years Mark was unable to move, speak, or see. But he lived at home, was cared for around the clock by a team of dedicated nurses (and his family), and undoubtedly made my aunt and uncle stronger and more compassionate people. And only after ten years, when it was clear they could not care for him adequately at home, did my aunt and uncle make the decision to move him into a full time medical facility.

Of course, after years being in a state like this the muscles deteriorate and the heart and lungs gradually give out. This is what happened last weekend.

Some people have been really kind and supportive (MikeDot, for instance, wrote a very nice and simple message to me that meant a lot). Some theorized aloud that it was probably not as bad to lose a child in this way, and to them I say I'm glad I'm not in your family.

But for the most part, our friends and family came together and surrounded my aunt and uncle - and my two other little cousins - with support, and for that I'm grateful.

Anyhow, to those who had kind words, thank you. And to the rest of you, fuck off. Life's too short.


At 10:31 AM, Blogger Jackson said...

Now I feel 'fairly pathetic'. I wish you'd have told me about this. I had no idea.

At 4:18 PM, Blogger Dave Cavalier said...

Chris -

I just got back on line and this was one of the first things I saw.

There is no such thing as an "easy" way to lose somebody. We suffer when we love. It makes us human.

I know you are a loving person, so I know you hurt. I am thinking of you.

At 4:35 PM, Blogger Chrispy said...

Thank you for your kind thoughts, guys.

I've said it before, and I know I'll say it again, but I'm continually amazed by the people I've met over the last few years. I only hope I can keep up my end of the "bargain" of friendship (something I've had trouble with in the past, but I'm getting better at it).

Dave's right, the human condition is bittersweet. But I wouldn't trade it...


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