Thursday, December 23, 2004


"We're heading for Venus
and still we stand tall
'cause maybe they've seen us
and welcome us all..." (Europe)

As the year winds down, I'd just like to say thank you to all we've worked with, smoked with, drank with, bitched with, played with, mixed with, laughed with, yelled with, and just hung around with in the past year. I know that, for me, it's been an educational and entertaining time (our lives as edutainment), filled with much music and guitars. It's been a blast spending it in our stinky little rooms.

As for next year... many new opportunities. A complete remodeling, redecorating, and refurbishing of the studio is currently underway, as we decide where we're gonna move the fridge, and how we'll fill all the newly emptied space in the rack. The Smoke and Mirrors Mobile Unit 2 has been active, as we branch out to recording more live shows. Debate rages on over what the next record covered will be ("Moving Pictures," anyone?). Christian music will be arriving from Georgia any day now.

So Happy Holidays and thanks again, everyone, for helping us live this little dream for one more year. Let's do it again...


At 10:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the same back to you. Lots of great memories (and dogs) in 2004.

Put me down with Machold for Moving Pictures. We'll need a bassist, though. Mike don't play that.


At 1:21 PM, Blogger Jackson said...

I was kinda hoping we could do 'Metal machine Music'

At 12:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

[Ken] I'd love to participate if you guys want. No offense taken if not.

(I put my name in brackets since I have to post anonymously)


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