Thursday, September 01, 2005


This is no time for politics, I know, but people are starting to get resentful in New Orleans.

Outside of the Superdome, the AP reports that "an old man in a chaise lounge lay dead in a grassy median as hungry babies wailed around him. Around the corner, an elderly woman lay dead in her wheelchair, covered up by a blanket, and another body lay beside her wrapped in a sheet.

'I don't treat my dog like that,' 47-year-old Daniel Edwards said as he pointed at the woman in the wheelchair. 'I buried my dog.' He added: 'You can do everything for other countries but you can't do nothing for your own people. You can go overseas with the military but you can't get them down here.'"

There's a sense that resources that are badly needed right now are not available because of the war in Iraq. People feel that the government should be doing more, that there is a lack of leadership, and that they're not getting the help they need, while we spend billions helping people half a world away.

It's not time for politics, I know.


At 3:20 PM, Blogger Jackson said...

I'm sure the federal govt. will sort it out as soon as they figure out a way to line somebody's pocket while doing so.


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