You all know I'm a big Dean Wareham fan. I'm also a big fan of the music he and Britta Phillips have been making with Tony Visconti.
Well, they've started work on a second record. Here's a picture of Tony, Dean, Britta, and drummer Matt Johnson in Tony's studio (this and the next photo taken from

Here's another picture, this one of Dean doing vocals:

Wait a minute! The shape of that mic is familiar...

Could Tony be using a Studio Projects C1? Or the same mic, manufactured by 797 Audio in China, and sold under any one of a number of other names? I don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me. It's a good mic, and Tony's been known to use a variety of both expensive and inexpensive gear over the years.
Tony and I have similar taste in gear (there are 2 C1's at Smoke and Mirrors). He's also a fan of the ART stuff (panned by everyone except knowledgable recording engineers and producers). And his records sound amazing.
You definitely steered me right on the mic choice. Thanks for a great call.
I'd love to work with Tony, but I don't think I'd get much done...
Ted: Tony, how fucked up was Phil Lynott during the Bad Reputation sessions?
Tony: I'm not sure hwt you mean.
Ted: How about Marc Bolan, was queer or what?
Tony: Uh...I Uh..
Ted: How about Bowie, pain in the ass?
....he'd toss me out before too long.
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