I've been doing... taxonomy.
The "Harmonica Mic" I acquired is a Turner S33D. "Of course it is," you say.

These old guys require a mic cable that screws on, kind of like a coax. Available on eBay, and as soon as I get a darned eBay account there'll be one on its way to Brooklyn.
The headphones are AKG K140's. I'm sure you'll all sleep better knowing that. Made in Austria, like our landlord.
I've also been doing... research.
The Bontempi air organ sounds like a melodica because that's basically what it is, except that instead of Mikedot it has an electric fan. Like any free reed aerophone, it is tuned by altering the size of the reeds. I need to buy a file.
The Tascam 133 is still a Tascam 133. Hasn't been plugged in yet, but man it fills up some rack space.
The guitar pedal is just a switch (oh yeah, THAT's why there's only one jack). I'll let you know if it switches anything.
I was telling Ted the other night that I wasn't sure how much demand you'll get for cassette masters, but that thing will sure look badass in the rack!
BTW... Ted played me the podcast. Well done. I commented, "Shit Ted, the dialog sure sounds good", to which he responded, "Of course, Chris set it up". See, you do care.
I think George dropping in on S&M podcasts should be a reoccuring thing.
George is a natural.
I'm interested in seeing what alternative applications we can come up with for that harmonica mic....
The mic should be fun. It's definitely usable for more than harmonica; it was originally designed as a "desk mic" for voice.
It'll have to go in front of an amp.
I'd like to have artists on podcasts as often as possible.
Voice for broadcasting (including podcasting) is all about one thing... limiters.
I'll leave you guessing as to how much I care...
Oh you care, but in a Bohemian I don't care kind of way.
I care about not caring, if that's what you mean.
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