The Yellow Brooklyn Doodle Dog, Mr. Buck, is under the weather.
He woke us up early this morning to let us know there was a problem. He's a very good boy; when he's not feeling well he jumps on us rather than heading to a corner to relieve whatever it is that's bothering him. There have been a few occasions where he's woken me up by sitting on me - when I subsequently brought him outside all hell broke loose, from his butt, if you know what I mean.
Same thing today, but he woke us up twice. Annie cancelled her appointments for the day and has been at home standing by - apparently he's been out 6 times. That's a lot. But it seems he's getting better.
Buck has a little obsession with eating every morsel he can find when he's outside, and it's led to some problems in the past. He once expelled a sausage wrap (this came out of the front door, not the back door, if you know what I mean, again). Any little chicken bone, piece of pork fried rice, birthday cake (seriously, there was an entire birthday cake in the park near my old apartment) - anything that's available... this dog will take care of it. Something tells me that's what's happened.
Anyhow, I'll keep you all posted re: Buck's poopies.
The poor guy... Please keep us posted. Perhaps all his friends back at the park are putting together a "Save Buck" campaign ala "Ferris Bueller's Day Off". I can have a hundred stuffed hedgehogs toys that honk and grunt there overnight need be if you thnk it'll help. Let me know.
I'm sorry buck is feeling so "shitty" I hope he gets better soon.
On Easter, Maggie ate three whole Easter eggs, shell, ribbon and all, during a daring raid on the Easter basket while we were at church. She held those suckers in her belly until Monday, when she disgorged them in bizarre green goop that had flecks of purple-dyed eggshell and a completely intact ribbon.
That dog is Satan.
On a totally unrelated note, I did confirm last night with several lawyers that there is no distinction between the people and the military when it comes to the Bill of Rights. The Constitution is viewed as a whole, not just the Articles or the Bill of Rights. The government sues itself all the time on issues relating to the Constitution. There is nothing that prevents the military from bringing suit under the First Amendment. All were in agreement that there is no language whatsoever in the First Amendment that limits "freedom of speech" to just the "people." So, I'm sorry Chris, but on this one you are just incorrect.
It also sparked an interesting discussion about the misconceptions of the Bill of Rights and how they are really what Isaiah Berlin called "negative rights" (i.e., the BoR doesn't grant any rights, it restricts the government from limiting actions) as opposed to "positive rights." A lot of Americans misinterpret the First Amendment to give them a "postive right" but it does not. It merely limits the government from restrictive legislation, but the Supreme Court has always held that certain speech that prevents the government from its tasks under the Articles (e.g., speech that incites a riot conflicts with the government's right to maintain domestic tranquility) can be made illegal within the constraints of the Constitution.
Poor little Zee Zee, I he's waggin' away today....
Chris -
To be fair to your point, however, I must note that the issue of standing (i.e., whether or not a party has the right to bring suit), would be pretty strange in a First Amendment case brought by the military. So, practically speaking, the First Amendment is invoked almost exclusively by individuals.
You will be pleased to know, however, that our debate provoked some very interesting responses from my friends who are lawyers!
Why am I not surprised to see a political thread starting up in a post about dog shit?
Get better, Buck.
Buck wanted me to thank you all for your kind words. He's feeling a lot better (looks like the Doodle's doodles are all back to normal) and spent the day with his best friend, 100lb rottweiler Lola.
Fortunately, his cuteness appears to be unaffected.
I think my dogs are getting jealous at the number of times I have clicked on Mr. Buckington's photo.
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