Pronunciation: 'bü-E, 'boi
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English boye, probably from Middle Dutch boeye; akin to Old High German bouhhan sign
1 : FLOAT; especially : a floating object moored to the bottom to mark a channel or something (as a shoal) lying under the water
BUOY is also the name of a new project being recorded at Smoke and Mirrors.
Chris, Rob, and George play the instruments. The idea is to create live rhythm tracks with 2 or 3 instruments playing together, then go and replace the drums, bass, guitars, and synths, one at a time, using these initial rhythm tracks. The live feel is therefore retained although we get much more control over the sound in the end.
Synthesizers are generally used for bass sounds.
The core of BUOY is the three piece rhythm section, which will be embellished with horn sections of various sizes live.
Please enjoy some BUOY here.
Oh Buoy!
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