I like fun facts.
I also like Snapple (Peach Iced Tea).
So it's always exciting to open up a bottle of Snapple and read the "Real Facts" (as they call them) on the underside of the cap.
Problem is, they need to write more. Today is the second day in a row that I've learned that "At birth, a Dalmation is always pure white." Interesting, to be sure, but I've seen this one already.
So I'm preparing to send a whole new list of Fun Facts to Snapple. Let them rename them "Real Facts" and print them on their caps. I don't need any credit. I just want to make Snapple breaks better for all.
First up:
In humans, the ratio of males to females conceived is around 140:100
At birth, it's more like 107:100
Snapple may need to make bigger caps.
Maybe that's why I'm so in touch with my femenin side....
I think you're implying that some of the males become females. In fact, more of them are spontaneously aborted.
An unamplified tele is still capable of breaking glass.
4 out of 5 head spikes occur in the bedroom.
What's a head spike?
Don't play coy, buoy.
I won't get into the Tele vs. Les Paul debate, since there really isn't one.
Well you steped in it now Ken. On 'Strange Ways' Ace used a Strat. In fact in the studio Ace often employed Strats and Moserites.
Of course in concert he almost always used a Les Paul because of their endorsement deal with Gibson ("Kiss uses Gibson guitars and Pearl drums because they want the best.") I have seen photos of him on stage with an Explorer, and a Moserite.
Great tune though, and one of my all time favorite guitar solos.
In the studio Ace most often used Strats and Moserites.
As I said, there really is no debate.
Here's a photo, 1978
Lots of Les Pauls - but count the teles, strats, and jr's!
The amps he's sitting on all appear to be Fenders as well.
This is interesting:
No question Ace has used lots of Les Pauls, but it seems like his favored amp is actually a Laney.
Ace probably couldn't discuss his use of other guitars in interviews, but I think if you listen to the solo on Strange Ways you'll notice his use of a wangy bar. He did put wangy's on his Les Pauls later, but in '74, Kiss was fairly poor, I bet they reached for a Strat.
(10 minutes later)
After further review, I'm not convinced he using a wangy, but it still sounds 'single coil' and Fender-ish.
Let's ask Ace.
I'd have to hear it. If he's talking about the drum solo, then that is crazy!
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